Thursday, January 14, 2010

Dear UVU,

As i am very glad that you have become a university (after many years of torment) and are on your way to getting a foot ball team (trying). I would like to make a formal complaint, you need a moving walkway that starts at the library and goes all the way to the effing top of the Gunther Tech building, which is practically on the other side of Provo Canyon. Now i love putting thousands of dollars into my education even if its just teaching my self, but how about i get a say on what my money goes to. NO we do not need another stupid statue of a pioneer! so what if they paved the way to utah BIG FREAKING DEAL! Uvu wasn't even built until the 70's.

Lets get started on this right away so it can be done by (the very least) 2042.

with love,
tired of getting blisters.


Crystal said...

nice idea haha lets go bust a move on... someone who is in charge of that stuff...