Saturday, February 26, 2011

Anyone else obsessed with Mumford and Sons?

Monday, February 14, 2011

Southern Bell

I was talking with an old friend a couple weeks ago. He was telling me that he has forced himself to be happy with being boring. He likes that he has a 9 to 5 job. He likes that he pays his taxes on time. He likes that he sits at home on a friday, on a saturday, on a sunday, everyday. He painted this very ordinary picture of a very ordinary life and i was caught up in how wonderfully normal it all sounded. but then it hit me, I am 22 and loving the sound of a retirement home.

Most wont understand why i am making the move that i am. but its okay because i understand why you cant. I feel like i have been going with the flow so much that i forgot where the flow was taking me.
Thats why I've decided to spice up a bit, add a bit of southern charm to my life. I am moving to South Carolina.

yes i know of all the places.

I have two very wonderful friends who have invited me into their home and asked me to move out there with them.
I have a one way ticket leaving April 20th and in all honesty don't know when i will be coming back.
Its funny, everyone in my life has had so many different reactions to this news. Some very warm and supportive. Some angry and others wont even acknowledge it. when in all reality the only reaction i care about is my own. and i haven't felt like this ever. I've finally stopped talking about doing something, anything with my life and am ACTUALLY doing it.

Maybe this is a huge mistake. Maybe i will come crawling back with my tail between my legs. Maybe i will fall in love with the south and never look back. Maybe i will fail. Maybe i will find the exact thing i am looking for.

I'll never know until i try now wont i?