Sunday, September 19, 2010


When i was writing the title of this post my mom (standing behind me) says "I call her Crystal-Dear." and i said (shoving her away) "I call her dumb."
She mumbles something under her breath as she walks away.



You are my favorite sister to be. I am so glad you were born. I know this is late, your birthday was on Friday. I also know that my present is late.... (i get paid on Tuesday) But... Here is a blog post just for you sweets.My baby brother could not have found a more perfect match. you are the peanut to his butter. Never before has someone who is not in our family been able to stay in the same room with us all for such large amounts of time.You are the best sister a girl could ask for. And i know you think the threats about keeping you locked in our basement for 2 years while Reese is gone are us joking.... well were not. We have a nice corner all made up for you. It has a craft table, and a comfy pillow for you to sleep on.
Happy Birthday Sweets. Thank you for being my friend. Thank you for being such a great example. Thank you for taking a dumb boy and making him a kind man. Thank you for being my sister. Love you girl.


Crystal said...

awe Rei thanks! that was so sweet of you :) I already have my bags packed, crafts and all, for my two year camp out in your basement!