Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Earwig War

War has been declared on me. I didn't know that I was a guest in someone elses house but the earwigs have made it clear that I am not welcomed.

One week ago I woke up and went to brush my teeth like any normal human being does in the morning. And there on my tooth brush (oh by the way I am a super freak when it comes to tooth brushes and brushing my teeth. I even have a tooth brush cover that I use.) and there on the head of my tooth brush is a huge earwig just hanging out. NOT OK! Of coarse I killed it and threw away my tooth brush and had to run to Walgreens (yes I am an old lady) to get a new one.

I foolishly thought that was the end of my torments. But then last night as I am getting ready for bed there on my nice newly washed pillow case is another earwig. This one was ready to fight. As I choke back a sob (because I know that I will never again be able to do my favorite hobby, which is sleep) I attack with the might of a warrior.... or just grab a tissue and mush it and flush it down the toilet.
As I walk out of the bathroom after flushing my enemy I see another earwig scuttling to safety in the hall by my bedroom door. Again I kill it and stand defeated in the dark hallway waiting for the next attack.

Not knowing when or where they are going to strike next is the worst part about war. I must have killed their Queen or something. The weird thing is my landlord wont return my calls to come spray the house..... she has either been taken hostage or is one of them. My money is that she is the mastermind behind this war sending the earwig troops to send me packing.

I might have won the battle.... but I am not sure I will win the next battle.